
As you've probably gathered from the associated Google networking information, my name is Elizabeth. I spend my days as a programmer, digging deep into the weeds of code to harness the power of technology. Mwhahaha! Don't be concerned by the evil laughter. With the exception of the occasional prank, it's all for good purposes. And even then, I thought the pranks were *really* good. Maybe that's because I wasn't on the receiving end of them.

When I'm not running around with a digital flyswatter, I usually like to kick my feet up with some good video games or crafts. That's not something you usually see in the same sentence, now is it? But most importantly, I love to eat. Probably a little more than I should. Might have something to do with growing up watching Food Channel all the time due to lack of other worthy television programming.

As much as I love to eat, though, I've never been much fond of ... existing ... food options. So, much in the true programmer spirit, I started bashing things together (those of you in the programming field will have caught the pun) until I found things that worked, often making my own mutant versions of "traditional" recipes. 

Turns out I'm not the only one that liked the random and wacky things coming out of my kitchen. After several requests for recipes, this blog was born. Trust me, it's a lot more efficient than trying to track down a whole bunch of old hand-written recipe cards and praying that I can still read the chicken scratch.

Ultimately, I'm just kind of hoping to share my work with people so that they can hopefully get as much enjoyment out of it as I have. Now what are you waiting for? This is a food blog and you're in the part without the food!

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