Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Leia's Legacy: Cinnamon Rolls

Hey everyone. I know it's been a while, and that I managed to miss both of the major food-oriented holidays this year, but the truth is, like many people, I work retail. Yes, I have a programming position, but I'm technically in retail. So spare time doesn't exactly happen for people in that field around the end of the year. In all honesty, I wasn't going to be on for another week or so as we wrapped up the last of the Holiday Hullabaloo (pun somewhat intended), but today kind of changed that.

As you're likely all aware by now, the beloved Carrie Fisher has jumped to hyperspace. That wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear today. While I may have never met Ms. Fisher in person, she meant a lot to me. I literally grew up watching Star Wars, incessantly rewatching my dad's old VHS collection of the original trilogy every morning that I could weasel in some TV time. Let me tell you something, it takes some serious confidence to go parading around enemy space ships, wearing what is essentially an intergalactic potato sack, barking orders at people you just met, and throwing insults at some of the most powerful figures in the known galaxy. But the thing is, it wasn't just her screen character that was strong. It was her personal character as well. 

Flash forward nearly 40 years, and Ms. Fisher was brave enough to take back up her old role, even though she knew she was going to catch all kinds of flak for not having the same young body people are used to seeing on Princess Leia. More so than that, rather than letting the critics get her down, she stood up and told them to take their vain, hateful, hurtful comments and stuff them right into the garbage chute, because she, like everyone else, ages, and there's nothing we can do about. Honestly, I have to admire someone who is willing to be who they really are, and who can tell those who don't like it to kiss their big, hairy Wookiee. That's not exactly an easy thing to do.

So yeah. I'm... I don't know. I don't really know how to words right now. I don't really like to talk about things that I'm feeling. I usually process them through other means. When I'm anxious, I knit. When I'm conflicted, I'll paint. When I'm... pretty much anything else really, I'll cook. I don't really know why. 

What I do know is that where I come from, when someone passes on, those that care show up with food for the family thereof. I may not be able to show up to (California? Is that where her family's at? All the movie-type-things go on in California... right?) with a crockpot full of dinner, but I thought maybe I could do so symbolically. Food never makes the hurt go away, but sometimes it can make the hurt less. And right now, I know there's a lot of people mourning. 

Out of respect for the departed, I'm going to refrain from my usual joke cracking.


  • 2 sheets Puff Pastry, Thawed
  • 1 8oz Block Cream Cheese, Softened
  • 3 cups Light Brown Sugar
  • 3 tbsp Ground Cinnamon


  • 9 x 13 Baking Pan
  • Spray Grease
  • All Purpose Flour, For Dusting
  • Spool of Dental Floss
  • Mixer & Bowl

Honestly, I've never made cinnamon rolls from anything more than a pop-open can in my life. But at the same rate, I knew I had to do something fairly specific for this. I figured something reminiscent of Leia's trademark hairstyle would work. 

Mix together the cream cheese, brown sugar, and cinnamon until well combined. Spread evenly over the puff pastry, leaving a small border at the edges. Don't overdo it on the filling, though. There's a good chance you'll wind up with extra. Roll each pastry up, making sure that the starting side is tight. Use the dental floss to cut through the dough logs (it works best if you place the log on top the floss, cross the floss ends like you're going to tie it, and then just pull), making discs about a half inch thick. Put all the discs flat in the baking pan, and bake at 350 until golden brown.

Here's hoping that maybe somebody out there will see this and know that they're not alone in their sadness. Ms. Fisher, do me a favor and say "hello" to Alec Guinness ("Old Ben" Kenobi), Kenny Baker (R2-D2), Peter Cushing (Governor Tarkin), and Christopher Lee (Count Dooku / Darth Tyranus).  I'm sure you'll be in good company.