Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween Recipe Rush Day 8: Apple Dumplings

Hey everybody! Welcome to Day 8 of our Halloween Recipe Rush! Since tomorrow is Halloween, we figured we'd give you all a jump start on loading up on sugar by posting a variant of a tasty dessert my mom used to make for me. She apparently found the base recipe for Mountain Dew Apple Dumplings while floating about on the internet one day, but we're going to take that to the next level.


  • 1c Granulated White Sugar
  • 1c Pumpkin Spice Sugar
    • You can buy this pre-made, but it'll likely wind up being expensive. I reccomend using the pumpkin spice sugar we made earlier this week here
  • 2tbsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/2c Butter or Butter Substitute, Melted
  • 2 Apples
    • I used Granny Smith apples, but you can use whatever kind you like
  • 2 Cans Of Croissant Dough
  • 1 Can Mountain Dew
    • My husband has informed me that soda is made with entirely different recipes depending on what country you're in. For the record, the Mountain Dew used here is the plain old "green" American kind; the kind made with high fructose corn syrup. For what it's worth, I did manage to get my hands on some of the "green" kind made with sugar instead of corn syrup many years ago and used it in a similar recipe. It turned out well.

  • 9"x13" Pan
  • Spray Grease
  • Oven
  • Mixing Bowl & Spoon
  • Knife

Cut the apples into 8 pieces each, being sure to get rid of the core. Make sure that none of the pieces has any seeds remaining in them. Optionally, you can decide to peel the apple pieces as well. Wrap each apple piece in a croissant dough triangle, and place them into the generously greased pan.

In the mixing bowl, combine both kinds of sugar, the cinnamon, and the melted butter. The idea is to have a thick paste; feel free to add more granulated sugar as needed. Spoon the paste over the tops of the wrapped apple pieces, spreading it to mostly cover each piece. Once you've used all the sugar paste, open the can of Mountain Dew and pour it into the space between the dumplings. Don't pour it over the top, or else you'll wind up knocking all the sugar paste off.

Contrary to popular belief, these are not
barbecue wings. Confusing, I know. 

Bake for 20 minutes at 350F or until croisant dough is fully cooked. The sugar paste should form a nice crunchy crust on top the dumplings. Note that the Mountain Dew "sauce" will thicken up a bit as the dumplings cool down.

How did yours turn out? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! Also, this week is our Halloween recipe rush, so be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to make sure you don't miss a single one.

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