Sunday, October 23, 2016

Halloween Recipe Rush Day 1: Easy Reeses Cheesecake

Hi everyone! There's one week till Halloween, and we here at Epic Feasts intend on celebrating by having updating with a new recipe every day until then! Woo food! Tonight's recipe is, oddly enough, courtesy of my husband. I use that phrase specifically because he claims not to be creative, or like cooking, or like sweet things, yet somehow this glorious wonderfulness is his brainchild.


  • 1/2c Reeses Chocolate Peanut Butter
    • For some reason this is infernally difficult to find near where I live... the only place that I've been able to reliably find it is at Dollar General
  • 1 8oz pkg Cream Cheese, Warmed
    • Don't get the reduced fat stuff. It won't incorporate right.
  • 1 "Regular" Tub of  Whipped Topping, Thawed
    • Feel free to use Cool Whip, but regular old store brand stuff works just as well.
  • 1 Oreo Pie Crust
    • I got a store bought one, because it's supposed to be an "easy" cheesecake. I'm sure someone with enough time on their hands could make a homemade one.
  • Mixer or Heavy Duty Whisk
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Rubber Spatula
When I said easy, I meant it. Toss everything except for the Oreo pie crust into the mixing bowl, and make sure it's well worked in. You'll probably want to stop the mixer every once and a while and scrape the sides, because this mix just loves to glue itself to the bowl. Once it's all together, just scoop it out into the pie crust, and try to even out the top. IF you can abstain from consuming the pie long enough, it's best to chill it in the fridge for a few hours for ease of serving purposes, and to give it more of that cheesecake texture. While it's totally cool to just go at it with a spoon without doing that, you're really looking at more of a chocolate peanut butter mousse in a crust. 

How did yours turn out? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! Also, this week is our Halloween recipe rush, so be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to make sure you don't miss a single one.

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